Cable Car Display
Before 1906, there were more than 600 cable cars in San Francisco. The cars are made of oak and Alaskan spruce, travel at 9.5 mph and weigh ~15,000 lbs. By 1912 there were less than 200. Today there are 40.
The 1906 earthquake and fire destroyed 50 cable cars in their storage yard at Bay and Taylor Streets. The hand wrought metal hardware was salvaged from the ashes and used to rebuild 25 of the cars. The Ely Cable Car was one of the cars raised from the ashes. It was set up as a side grip car and given the #24. It served on California Street for 5 years. In 1911, it was converted to a “bottom grip” car, was renumbered #32, and moved to Hyde Street where it served till 1950.
In 1949, Mayor Lapham said “The city should get rid of all Cable Car lines as soon as possible.” It is likely that this car was retired and sold to Lake County as a result of the Mayor’s wishes.
Number 38 was on display at the Lake County Fair Grounds for many years before being moved to the Ely Stage Stop.
The cable car yard at Bay and Taylor Streets after the 1906 earthquake and fire.
Hyde Street car
California Street car
Hyde Street heading toward the pier.
San Francisco 1894 street map.